Sunday, July 19, 2015

Guest of the Week: My Roommate! Shelley Osborne

Almost a year ago I sat next to a girl with short brown hair in film class and a almost year later I'm living in her house. Shale has quickly become one of my closest friends and her style is so unique. Any time I open her closet I'm bombarded by bright patterns upon patterns which is just as refreshing as the delicious vegan/gluten free food she cooks. Her style ranges from classic French New Wave cinema to birkenstock all natural mom living in San Francisco to poetry student from Brooklyn. I am very lucky to have made friends with such a cultured and hilarious person who is always up to be photographed. 

Photographed: Pineapple Jumpsuit - H&M, Remaining clothes- Urban Outfitters, Earrings - Target, Necklace - Boyfriend

Shelley's IG - infinitezest, blog-

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